Looking back through the years, we see that God gave a man a vision for a Christian school in Orleans County. That man, Pastor Tim Lindsay, sought out individuals with a heart for Christian education. In October of 1993, the first organizational meeting was held. Present were Rev. Tim Lindsay, Rev. David Vetter, Rev. Randy Anson, Rev. Chris Johnson, Curt Strickland, Curt Follman, Mark Irwin, Vanche Hedley, and Dr. William Bellavia. Each of these attendees shared why they believed there should be a Christian school in Orleans County. From that meeting, they sent a county-wide survey to see how genuine the community interest was.
The Steering Committee continued to meet for almost three years before the school doors were opened for the very first time on September 4, 1996. The school began with thirteen students, one full-time teacher, and one part-time teacher. At that time, the school was located at Harvest Christian Fellowship Church.
After five years in Albion, the school moved to Calvary Tabernacle Assembly of God Church in Medina. With this move, we were given use of the northeast wing of the first floor, along with a cafeteria, auditorium, and gymnasium.
After seventeen years at Calvary Tabernacle, due to the sale of the building, we found ourselves moving, once again, to a new home. That new home is Alabama Full Gospel Fellowship in Medina. Pastor Russ Peters and his congregation have welcomed our school with open arms. We are excited about this move and the possibilities for growth at our new location.
Orleans County Christian School’s purpose was, and still is, to provide young people with the tools and environment they need to attain the highest level of academic achievement and Christian character.
For God has not given us a spirit of fear; but of power, and love, and of a sound mind.
2 Timothy. 1:7 (KJV)
Sponsoring Churches
Harvest Christian Fellowship, Albion
Calvary Tabernacle Assembly of God, Medina
Faith Alliance Church, Albion
1st Baptist Church of Holley
Oak Orchard Assembly of God, Medina
Alabama Full Gospel Fellowship, Medina
Light of Victory Church, Albion
Faith Covenant Fellowship, Medina